Shooters MMA Courses
Here are our current available courses.
DUTCH Content: Basic techniques, combinations, defence, counters, sparring drills, footwork and how to control the distance in stand-up fighting. All in a well structured state of the art course. Equipment: Boxing gloves, handwraps, mouthpiece, cup, knee protection, shin- & instepguard. Requirements: At least two years of training in a full contact based martial art that […]
TAKEDOWNS, CLINCH & CAGEWORK FOR MMA Content: Basic takedowns with entrance from distance, clinch and cage, combinations, defence and counters, pummelling, thai clinch, sprawl and turtle positions, striking, submissions, how to not get on your back, reversals and much more in a well structured state of the art course. Equipment: MMA gloves, cup and mouthpiece. […]
GROUNDWORK FOR MMA Content: All basic positions, submission, striking, escapes, reversals, passing, standing up, transitions, combinations and much more in a well structured state of the art course. Equipment: MMA gloves, cup and mouthpiece. Requirements: At least two years of training in a martial art that includes groundfighting. Certificate: Will be awarded to all attendants that […]
STAND-UP PADWORK Content: How to hold and position the pads, singles, combinations, marks, calls, feints, checking and basic coaching. All in a well structured state of the art course. Equipment: Boxing gloves, handwraps, shin- & instepguard. Requirements: At least two years of training in a full contact based martial art that includes stand-up. Certificate: Will be awarded […]
BJJ level I
BJJ LEVEL I Content: Basic Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques suitable for the beginner’s semester: Positions, sweeps, escapes, reversals, passing and submissions. Drills and how to progress with free rolling. Basic takedowns and drills. All in a well-structured state of the art course. Includes: Written material and syllabus for a full semester. Equipment: Gi/kimono and pen & paper. Requirements: At least […]
BJJ level II
BJJ LEVEL II Content: Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques suitable for the second semester: Combinations of the basic techniques from level I, new positions, submissions, sweeps, escapes, reversals, breaking & passing the guard. Building on the takedowns and drills from level I, now with pop-up, grip in the gi and sprawl. All in a well-structured state of the […]
BJJ level III
Takedowns for BJJ
SELF-DEFENCE I Content: Basic self-defence techniques against grips in wrists, grips in clothes, chokes, getting pressed against the wall and bear-hugs. Techniques for striking against vital areas to reinforce the self-defence moves (progressive depending on severity of the initial attack). Basic stand-up fighting techniques and drills to get a basic understanding of fighting. All in a well […]
SELF-DEFENCE II Content: Intermediate self-defence techniques against hair grabs, chokes, body-locks and takedowns, as well as defence on the ground. Techniques for striking against vital areas to reinforce the self-defence moves (progressive depending on severity of the initial attack). Intermediate stand-up fighting techniques and drills to continue and further develop the understanding of fighting and sparring. Basic submission […]