18 January 2018

Full house for the Dutch-course

A total of 60 fighters from seven different gyms and five countries gathered at Fighter Centre to train Stand-up fighting.

Fighters and instructors from BKK (England), Car Dusan Silni (Serbia), Fredsrikssund Free Fight (Denmark), Shooters Konin (Poland), as well as Fighter Muay Thai, Fighter Kickboxning and Gladius MMA, were all on site for the course last weekend.

This was the first held course according to Shooters MMA’s new method, with two-days weekend courses instead of previously four days, and the response has been very positive.

The Dutch-course covers areas such as basic techniques for Stand-up fighting, combinations, feints, defence, counters, sparring-drills, footwork as well as distance control. It is suitable for both those who specialise in Stand-up fighing such as Thai- and Kickboxing, as well as for MMA-fighters.

August Wallén was in charge of the course, with the assistance of Renato Vidovic and Sam Ghoroghi.

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