15 March 2016
Alex Harris makes comeback and fights in Glory
Two years ago Alex Harris from Fighter Muay Thai in Gothenburg defended his WMC-pro belt when he defeated Yohan Lidon in Monaco. In April Harris makes comeback in Glory.
Harris will face the Brazilian Jonatan Oliveira at Glory 29 which takes place in Copenhagen Denmark on the 16th of April. Harris is one of the biggest profiles in Swedish Thaiboxing. Two years ago, after an impressive career, Harris declared he is quitting. But lately he has found new inspiration and motivation and is now more dedicated than ever and can’t wait to get in the ring in at Glory in Copenhagen in the middle of April.
Swedish Budo and Martial Arts Federation made an interview with Harris who says he is not yet done with Thaiboxing and that he is looking for the big fights ahead.
Alex Harris (in Swedish):
Det känns otroligt kul att vara tillbaka. Jag kände mig ändå inte klar med thaiboxningen, och när jag nu också kunnat kombinera arbetet bättre med min träning så har suget vuxit fram igen. Det ska bli enormt kul.
Harris has not studied his opponent too much yet. Right now he is focusing on his training camp and to get back in better shape than ever.
Jag vet faktiskt inget om honom. Är jag bara i bra form ska det nog lösa sig. Vi kommer kolla upp honom bättre senare, men nu är jag inne i en tung träningsperiod där jag fokuserar mycket på att försöka hitta tillbaka till det där lilla extra, som man har när man är igång matchmässigt.
More about Glory 29 here.